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His Name ( (カノ) () は。 Kano no Na wa.) is the twenty-third chapter of the 100 Kanojo manga.


Hakari calls all of Rentarou’s girlfriends to the roof for a meeting without Rentarou. She says that under normal circumstances, couples often enter the fatigue stage after dating for three months, and as 3 volumes have passed since they started dating Rentarou, they’ve been dating for essentially 3 months and will soon be entering the period. In order to avoid the fatigue stage, they must give off a “new appeal” so Rentarou doesn’t get tired of them, therefore, Hakari asked Kusuri to make a drug to help them. She however messes it up, causing an explosion.

Rentarou rushes to the rooftop to find that the six of them have all swapped bodies. The girls all start to panic so Rentarou tries to calm them down by establishing who is in who’s body. Hakari, in Nano’s body, tries to do some naughty stuff with Rentarou as she believes he won’t be able to tell it’s her, but after falling into him, he immediately figures out it’s her. Kusuri, in Hakari’s body, jumps and asks if Rentarou can figure out who she is, something that he can easily figure out from the way she refers to herself in the 3rd person. Hahari, who’s in Kusuri’s body, exclaims at how young she is and rolls around on the floor because of how light she feels. Karane, in Hahari’s body, gropes her own chest, causing a reaction from Rentarou. She fumbles to make an excuse, saying that she’s massaging them to burn some fat off, then sits down improperly, sparking a reaction from Hahari, still in Kusuri’s body. Rentarou turns to look at who's in Karane’s body, just to see her smiling at him. Nano, in Shizuka’s body, hands Shizuka her phone, who’s in Karane’s body, as she can’t speak without it.

Rentarou ponders how they can return themselves to normal when Shizuka suggests headbutting each other as that is standard in some books. She and Kusuri headbutt each other but it does nothing but cause Hakari and Karane to complain at them, as they are in their bodies. Hahari says that the only way would be for a miracle to happen by them all kissing Rentarou. She pulls Rentarou into a motherly embrace, still in Kusuri’s body, and pampers him, giving him a strange feeling. She kisses him which in turn causes her soul to leave her body. Kusuri explains that as their souls are in an unstable state, a kiss would make them lightheaded and in turn release the soul from its body. A “cool Shizuka” (Nano) says that the group should quickly kiss Rentarou and return to their normal bodies as it’s the most efficient, then pulls him into a chin lift kiss. A “young girl Hakari” (Kusuri) hugs Rentarou from behind after he kisses Nano. She starts to feel strange after pressing her boobs against Rentarou, so he quickly turns around and kisses her to stop her from getting off from the thrill. Rentarou asks who’s next and a “little animal Karane” (Shizuka) offers herself. Rentarou starts to “sweat from the brain” from the sheer cuteness resonating off of her so he quickly kisses her to stop his brain from losing control. A “tsundere Hahari” (Karane) is next who Rentarou stares at. Karane questions why he’s staring at her, and Rentarou calls her cute which makes her embarrassed. Karane says that she’s going to go back to class, but Rentarou points out that everyone would be shocked to see the chairwoman sitting in a student seat, so she quickly changes her mind and the two kiss. Now left alone, a “lovey-dovey Nano” hugs Rentarou and the two watch the others' souls floating in the air before kissing.

With everyone back to their normal bodies, Hakari asks Rentarou how he felt when they weren’t their normal selves. Rentarou says that his heart went crazy, but he still prefers them as their normal selves. The group then say that they want to kiss him again now they are back in their original bodies.

Characters (and body swapping)[]

Parodied Scene[]

Scene Parody References
Chapter title, body swapping and BGM soundtrack Your Name


Beginning: The Girlfriends Are Meeting On The Rooftop.

End: I've Fallen For You, And It Started From Every Single Thing About You~

Next Chapter: A New Girlfriend Makes Her Appearance...!!

Site Navigation[]

eChapters and Volumes
Volume 1 12345Extra
Volume 2 67891011121314Extra
Volume 3 151617181920212223Extra
Volume 4 242526272829303132Extra
Volume 5 333435363738394041Extra
Volume 6 424344454647484950Extra
Volume 7 515253545556575859Extra
Volume 8 606162636465666768Extra
Volume 9 697071727374757677Extra 1Extra 2
Volume 10 787980818283848586Extra
Volume 11 878889909192939495Extra
Volume 12 96979899100101102103104Extra
Volume 13 105106107108109110111112113Extra
Volume 14 114115116117118119120121122Extra
Volume 15 123124125126127128129130131Extra
Volume 16 132133134135136137138139140Extra
Volume 17 141142143144145146147148149Extra
Volume 18 150151152153154155156157158Extra
Volume 19 159160161162163164165166167Extra
Volume 20 168169170171172173174175176Extra
Other Chapters 177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196