100Kanojo Wiki

J-Just Having Nine Players Doesn't Instantly Make Baseball Easy! (きゅ、9 (きゅう) (にん) だから () (きゅう) だとか (あん) (ちょく) なアレじゃないんだからねっ!! Kyu, Kyū-nin dakara Yakyū da Toka Anchoku na Are ja nain dakara ne!!) is the thirty-fifth chapter of the 100 Kanojo manga.


Rentarou and his girlfriends are at the baseball field, and cheer to win the match they’re about to play. Rentarou names the lineup for the team but gets a message from the sure-thing sisters, the last 3 people to fill their remaining team spots, saying that they all caught a cold and won’t be able to make it to the game. Rentarou speaks to the Jurassic High School clubs coach, the opponent and host of the practice match, and asks if they can substitute Mei, Hahari and Kurumi in for the sisters as they’re ill, which she agrees to.

Ohananomitsu is first to pitch, so Iku takes the role of pitcher. She immediately throws a fastball, giving a strike to Jurassic’s first batter. As Iku gets a second strike on the batter, another member of the Jurassic High School Team, Veloki Repuko, notices that Iku is one of the members of Ohananomitsu’s team. She comments that because if a prior incident involving her, Iku will be history as soon as they switch sides. Iku consistently gets strikeouts, allowing the sides to switch with Jurassic High School having zero on the board after 3 innings.

Karane steps up first to bat for Ohananomitsu. The pitcher for Jurassic, Terano Sauruko, throws a pitch she named “Tyranno Cannon” at Karane. Her bat manages to connect with the ball but ends up flying out of her hands, resulting in Jurassic catching the ball and giving Karane a strike. Karane questions how her bat went flying so Veloki explains that despite Terano only ever pitching down the centre, she pitches with so much power that the sheer force of the ball cuts through anything in its way. She names the combo the “Double Dino Destiny Destruction”. The two of them then use it to strikeout both Karane and the following batter. On the 3rd inning, Iku steps up to bat. However, she spaces out during the first two throws, giving her two strikes. Veloki notices that Iku is shaking and comments how she hasn’t gotten over the trauma from the previous incident she was involved in. Kusuri shouts to Iku that she needs to swing, breaking her out of her trance. Veloki signals to Terano that Iku is going to hit the ball, so she uses her pitch in “full burst” mode (which she can only do once a day). The pitch is so powerful that it snaps the bat Iku is holding and damages her arm. With Iku unable to pitch, Ohananomitsu’s team crumbles as they can’t get any points from pitching and are unable to score a single point again Terano’s “Tyranno Cannon”.

At 6 innings on both sides, Jurassic High School are in the lead with six points to zero. Iku blames herself for their lead as she got herself injured. Rentarou comments that they have to stop Jurassic getting any more points otherwise they’ll lose by the mercy rule once they pass the seventh inning. Veloki watches them and creates a plan to focus on Ohananomitsu’s weakest member, Shizuka. On the next inning, Veloki slides onto the base where Shizuka is, keeping her safe. She whispers to her about how she’s seen how much Shizuka has messed up and how she pities the rest of her team for having such a pathetic member. This comment shakes Shizuka, making her mess up more and begin to get upset. Rentarou notices Shizuka’s shaken state and calls for a timeout. The group rush up to her to see if she’s alright and Kusuri comments that she saw Veloki say something to her, as she begins to cry. The group look at Shizuka in silence, which Veloki assumes is a sign of despair. Karane steps up to bat and Terano unleashes the “Tyranno Cannon” like usual. To Jurassic’s surprise though, Karane actually manages to hit the ball, sending it flying in a move she names “Extinction Meteor”. She continues to get shocked as the rest of Rentarou’s family begin making consistent strong plays like bunting the ball, sprinting like the terminator, and even throwing a white ball. Iku also recovers instantly by shoving her hand in a bag of ice. Veloki questions how they were hiding such power and Rentarou explains that they kicked open the wrong pandora’s box and awoke the legendary “Super Gf-aiyans”.



Beginning: Their As-SIS-tance... Is Already Done For!?

End: D... Damn you...!

Next Chapter: Shizuka-chan...!?

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eChapters and Volumes
Volume 1 12345Extra
Volume 2 67891011121314Extra
Volume 3 151617181920212223Extra
Volume 4 242526272829303132Extra
Volume 5 333435363738394041Extra
Volume 6 424344454647484950Extra
Volume 7 515253545556575859Extra
Volume 8 606162636465666768Extra
Volume 9 697071727374757677Extra 1Extra 2
Volume 10 787980818283848586Extra
Volume 11 878889909192939495Extra
Volume 12 96979899100101102103104Extra
Volume 13 105106107108109110111112113Extra
Volume 14 114115116117118119120121122Extra
Volume 15 123124125126127128129130131Extra
Volume 16 132133134135136137138139140Extra
Volume 17 141142143144145146147148149Extra
Volume 18 150151152153154155156157158Extra
Volume 19 159160161162163164165166167Extra
Volume 20 168169170171172173174175176Extra
Other Chapters 177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196