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My First Execution is the bonus chapter of Volume 8 of the 100 Kanojo manga.


Chapter 60[]

Iku presents Rentarou with a new training method by attaching a target to herself, which he refuses.

Chapter 61[]

Chiyo, Shizuka, Kusuri, and Rentarou happily show their matching Pentarou keychains to each other.

Chapter 62[]

While coaching, Rentarou gives an example to Hakari, Nano, and Hahari about finger-wagging while in a cute pose. They all think it's cute.

Chapter 63[]

The girls onstage (except Chiyo obviously) mistake Uncle Hiro as some obsessive stalker.

Chapter 64[]

The sports club run away as the Vice Principal douses the fire on her head. Rentarou is touched by Yamame's kind soul as she sympathizes for the VP.

Chapter 65[]

Kusuri uses another method of being taller by sitting on Chiyo's shoulders. The others are confused how she did it, but Rentarou can identify Chiyo by her feet.

Chapter 66[]

Before the sumo-wrestling starts, everyone ate the rest of the hotpot.

Chapter 67[]

Yamame gets scared by a fire, but Iku reassures her that it's a visual effect for the manga.

Chapter 68[]

Rentarou and all the girls sleep while huddled together.

Extra Chapter - My First Execution[]

It begins with a young Yamame and her father walking through their field. Yamame accidentally steps on a bug, which kills it. She's shocked and tries comforting the bug, to no avail, and starts crying. Yamame's father notices, walks over to see what happened, and they have a burial for the bug. At night, Yamame has a nightmare about the bug saying goodbye to his family as he leaves for work, but the bug gets crushed and family is horrified. A week passes and Yamame's father offers Yamame to check on their field, but she refuses. He stops by a library hoping to find something that'll help. He then returns home and hypnotizes Yamame, with a coin on a string, into thinking the Bug is here. The Bug (Her father) tells Yamame it wasn't her fault and he'll be sad if she doesn't return to the fields. Yamame says she doesn't want it to happen again due to her big feet, but the Bug tells her to use stilts. It cuts to the present where Kusuri tries using Yamame's stilts, but falls, and asks her how she learned. Yamame can't excatly remember, but recalls a giant talking bug teaching her.

Extra Pages[]

A shiritori game is done with Kusuri. Starting with 'apple' and ending with 'extortion'.


Chapter Notes[]

  • Yamame's past is shown, where we see why she learned to use stilts.

Site Navigation[]

eChapters and Volumes
Volume 1 12345Extra
Volume 2 67891011121314Extra
Volume 3 151617181920212223Extra
Volume 4 242526272829303132Extra
Volume 5 333435363738394041Extra
Volume 6 424344454647484950Extra
Volume 7 515253545556575859Extra
Volume 8 606162636465666768Extra
Volume 9 697071727374757677Extra 1Extra 2
Volume 10 787980818283848586Extra
Volume 11 878889909192939495Extra
Volume 12 96979899100101102103104Extra
Volume 13 105106107108109110111112113Extra
Volume 14 114115116117118119120121122Extra
Volume 15 123124125126127128129130131Extra
Volume 16 132133134135136137138139140Extra
Volume 17 141142143144145146147148149Extra
Volume 18 150151152153154155156157158Extra
Volume 19 159160161162163164165166167Extra
Volume 20 168169170171172173174175176Extra
Other Chapters 177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199